Webbie's Art

Welcome To Webbie ART's


Carman - Awsome God.mp3

 If you need prayer  contact me e mail me

 My NEW BOOK at Blurp

Hi my friends and sister's and brothers in Christ. May God walk with you and your faith grow stronger ever day. May the light of Jesus shine tru you for others to see. Let the lost know there God loves them . Pick up the cross and follow Jesus. .............. When the world changes let your heart stay true to God . Keep your eyes on the eastern skys ,for in a blink of a eye He ( Jesus)will come .Only God knows the time and hour. But we are to watch and pray and reach out to others. Pray for Isreal and God's choosen childern. Keep Japan in your prayers. Pray for the leaders and ask God to show them the true way. PRAY FOR AMERICA. ............... Donate if you can if you can not pray for me in spreading Gods Word. Thank you so much . I'll be adding Back Grounds That you can get and use freely.

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